- Host a free garage sale in your neighborhood
- Provide free lunches to firemen, construction workers and servicemen
- Provide meals, cookies, gift baskets and other treats in the teacher's lounge at an area school
- Hand out free candy (kids) gum (adults) at a parade or mall
- Clean up yards of widows in your neighborhood
- Have a booth at local fairs and events with small gifts to give away
- Give out free bottled water at a busy traffic intersection, fair, or water park
- Plan a “Back to School Party” for foster care children. Free food, games, and a backpack/school supply giveaway
- Serve donuts and coffee to field workers during planting time. Offer sack lunches during harvest
- Distribute free donuts and hot chocolate at a city bus or transit station
- Offer rides to those who may not be able to come to church without help
Outreach by meeting Physical needs
Many churches use outreach programs to meet the material needs of people in the community.
For example, providing shelter for those who have been forced to leave their homes during a hurricane, flood or other natural disaster. Long-term outreach ministries are things like food banks, clothing distribution centers or small appliance or ministering to the needs of young mothers with newborns.
Some church outreach ministries offer job training for adults or after-school programs for children. These services are offered to the public. They are a way of equipping the unemployed with job skills and providing daycare so parents can work.
They also serve the broader purpose of outreach in building relationships while providing Christian service to those in need. As trust increases the message of the Gospel is more readily received.
For example, providing shelter for those who have been forced to leave their homes during a hurricane, flood or other natural disaster. Long-term outreach ministries are things like food banks, clothing distribution centers or small appliance or ministering to the needs of young mothers with newborns.
Some church outreach ministries offer job training for adults or after-school programs for children. These services are offered to the public. They are a way of equipping the unemployed with job skills and providing daycare so parents can work.
They also serve the broader purpose of outreach in building relationships while providing Christian service to those in need. As trust increases the message of the Gospel is more readily received.
Outreach by meeting spiritual needs
There are outreach ministries that specialize in providing services that help people spiritually and mentally. For example, counseling services, prayer hotlines, or visitation to the sick or elderly who are home bound or hospitalized.
A prison ministry is an example of a specific spiritual outreach service that strives to make a difference in the lives of the incarcerated. Church members can provide counseling to prisoners as well as comfort and assistance to their family members.
If there is a chapel on site, Christians can lead Bible studies to witness and help inmates grow in their relationship with Christ. In many cases they will help many come into a personal relationship with Jesus.
A prison ministry is an example of a specific spiritual outreach service that strives to make a difference in the lives of the incarcerated. Church members can provide counseling to prisoners as well as comfort and assistance to their family members.
If there is a chapel on site, Christians can lead Bible studies to witness and help inmates grow in their relationship with Christ. In many cases they will help many come into a personal relationship with Jesus.
Outreach Ideas for youth and children
Programs that reach out to youth and children are an important ministry of any church as they are the future of the church.
Youth/children outreach must include activities that are young people-friendly and take place both inside and outside of the church.
It is important that teens feel welcome and comfortable so they will encouraged to return and invite others to come with them.
Some examples: sports activities, video game tournaments, youth booths at local fairs or community events, opening of youth centers, etc. These activities can lead to more value orientated activities and incorporate Bible study.
It is important they see God's people working together and that He can and does make a difference in our lives... both in or out of the church building. SEE KIDS OUTREACH IDEAS
Youth/children outreach must include activities that are young people-friendly and take place both inside and outside of the church.
It is important that teens feel welcome and comfortable so they will encouraged to return and invite others to come with them.
Some examples: sports activities, video game tournaments, youth booths at local fairs or community events, opening of youth centers, etc. These activities can lead to more value orientated activities and incorporate Bible study.
It is important they see God's people working together and that He can and does make a difference in our lives... both in or out of the church building. SEE KIDS OUTREACH IDEAS
holiday outreach activities
- Distribute conversation heart candy to people for Valentine’s Day
- Easter Egg Hunt for children with special needs and their families
- Provide free water on Independence Day
- Organize a grocery and ham drive for families in need of a Thanksgiving meal
- Plan a Christmas toy drive for needy children
- Offer to go Christmas shopping for prison inmates who have children
helping hand-serving with the heart of jesus
Who is someone in need of a helping hand? Someone trying to fix, mow, or clean up something.
Action: Pray asking God to point out someone doing a physical task (fixing something, carrying groceries, moving in, etc.). Perhaps a neighbor, coworker or other acquaintance. Simply offer your help from a servant's heart. Check out Outreach Tools
Action: Pray asking God to point out someone doing a physical task (fixing something, carrying groceries, moving in, etc.). Perhaps a neighbor, coworker or other acquaintance. Simply offer your help from a servant's heart. Check out Outreach Tools
You've likely heard, "one man's trash is another man's treasure"? Many of the things that are no longer useful to us may be just what someone else would love to have.
Action: This makes a good family activity. What do you have that you don't need but someone else could use and appreciate? Sports equipment, clothes, toys, an appliance, etc.? Check out Outreach Tools
Action: This makes a good family activity. What do you have that you don't need but someone else could use and appreciate? Sports equipment, clothes, toys, an appliance, etc.? Check out Outreach Tools
Outreach Planning Guide Turn your 'idea' to 'action' ![]()
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Many people are lonely.
Action: Make plans with a neighbor, fellow employee, another student, etc. to watch a game, play a table game or just invite them over for a cup of coffee. Check out Outreach Tools
Action: Make plans with a neighbor, fellow employee, another student, etc. to watch a game, play a table game or just invite them over for a cup of coffee. Check out Outreach Tools
prayer - intercede for your neighbors
God listens and is willing to move His loving hand in our lives and in our neighborhoods. We need to seek Him to work in our neighbors lives as well as our own. We don't always know the best way to pray or love our neighbors. Asking the Lord is a good way to start.
Action: Pray for five neighbors on your street. If you don't know there names, pray for individual homes.
Check out Outreach Tools
Action: Pray for five neighbors on your street. If you don't know there names, pray for individual homes.
Check out Outreach Tools
reach out to single parents
It's tough for a two parent family to raise children. it's even tougher for a single parent. Time seems to run out before everything gets done. Never a break. The "to do" list seems to get ever longer.
Action: Offer an evening or Saturday to help a single parent. That may include babysitting, fixing things, helping maintain a car, help cleaning the house, etc. Ask questions and be a good listener. Perhaps offer to pray. Check out Outreach Tools
Action: Offer an evening or Saturday to help a single parent. That may include babysitting, fixing things, helping maintain a car, help cleaning the house, etc. Ask questions and be a good listener. Perhaps offer to pray. Check out Outreach Tools
hospitality - share a little extra food
Remember when Jesus multiplied the "fish and loaves" to feed the neighborhood.
Action: Making some bread or something you could make a little "extra". Perhaps you have a new neighbor. Or an elderly person or single parent that would appreciate your thoughtfulness to share it with them. Perhaps you might want to simply invite them over for a meal or BBQ. Check out Outreach Tools
Action: Making some bread or something you could make a little "extra". Perhaps you have a new neighbor. Or an elderly person or single parent that would appreciate your thoughtfulness to share it with them. Perhaps you might want to simply invite them over for a meal or BBQ. Check out Outreach Tools
reaching out to seniors - listen to experience
Senior citizens have wisdom, truth and humility. Yet they are often neglected. They like to tell their stories, sharing from the heart. They appreciate visiting and enjoy the company of younger people. Focus on being willing to listen to someone who longs to be heard.
Action: Find an older person and let them tell their story. Allow them to share when others are discounting them and their worth. Be quick to listen and slow to speak. If you don't know any seniors in your neighborhood, visit a care facility for seniors where you will find plenty of opportunities. And if you can, take a young child with you to guarantee a smile!
Check out Outreach Tools
Action: Find an older person and let them tell their story. Allow them to share when others are discounting them and their worth. Be quick to listen and slow to speak. If you don't know any seniors in your neighborhood, visit a care facility for seniors where you will find plenty of opportunities. And if you can, take a young child with you to guarantee a smile!
Check out Outreach Tools
how's your hearing? - a listening ear
When going through a tough time, it's nice to have someone to confide in.
Action: Watch for the opportunity to 'be a listening ear'. As long as you discover at least one need or interest of a neighbor or acquaintance who doesn't know Christ... you're making great strides! Check out Outreach Tools
Action: Watch for the opportunity to 'be a listening ear'. As long as you discover at least one need or interest of a neighbor or acquaintance who doesn't know Christ... you're making great strides! Check out Outreach Tools
sponsor a date night - offer to babysit
Parenting can be a difficult job. There are many joys but sometimes it can get a little overwhelming, especially parents of little children. Some families have the support of family or grandparents.
Action: Offer to watch a couple's children giving them the opportunity of a "date night" while they go out together.
Check out Outreach Tools
Action: Offer to watch a couple's children giving them the opportunity of a "date night" while they go out together.
Check out Outreach Tools